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Invasive plants displace our native species, reducing the biological diversity of both plants and wildlife within the area. Their presence can also have other harmful effects on our natural spaces, such as; increased flooding, altered fire regimes, changes to soil characteristics and other natural processes within the areas that they invade. The negative impacts of invasive plant species infesting an area also extend to economic and aesthetic consequences as well.  For these reasons we feel that controlling invasive species is important work and we achieve control through a variety of different methods, including; prescribed fire, the selective use of appropriate herbicides, mechanical, cultural and biological control techniques. We tailor the specific approach to achieve control of a particular invasive species based on its life cycle and physiology this is the most efficient and effective means of removing it.

Invasive Brush Removal

Invasive Brush Removal

Impenetrable thickets of brush are common, many of the trees & shrubs are thorny. These thickets are typically comprised of invasive species. They are so dense that it suppresses or eliminates the diverse native species.  


In many projects, brush removal is the first task performed. Doing so gives us the ability to effectively plant, allows sunlight in for the plants, & restores air movement through the area.  How the brush is cut, how it’s disposed of, & how re-sprouting is accounted for all have a lasting impact on the overall success of the project.


Brush removal reduces the humidity by allowing wind to dry the area. It also helps create optimal conditions for prescribed fire. Burning maintains the dry air flow. Mosquitos don’t like dry air. Brush clearing is mosquito control!

Targeted Herbicide Application

Targeted Herbicide Application

Invasive species damage the environment & destroy habitat, not herbicides. Habitat rebounds when invasive species are removed.  We give cultural methods preference over herbicide applications whenever possible. However, some species cannot be controlled without herbicide. We always study the life cycle of each plant we aim to control to know when it is most vulnerable. Our goal is to always get your project to a condition where herbicide is not needed.


We select the type of herbicide that will be most effective in controlling the targeted species, use the least amount for effective control of the target species, & records are kept. Applications follow the EPA approved product label. They are measured, mixed, & applied by licensed, trained, & supervised crews.

Cultural Vegetation Management

Cultural Vegetation Management

Sustainable landscapes & restorations differ significantly from traditional landscaping. They require knowledge of a different plant pallet, utilize unique maintenance methods & timing, employ specialized equipment, & are highly dependent upon the use of applied science & experienced crews.


Our stewardship crews are full-time employees trained in plant identification & an integrated approach to stewardship that favors cultural practices. Cultural practices are aimed at controlling weedy species by using their life cycle against them. These techniques are typically most effective at controlling annual or biennial species through the timely cutting or pulling of the plant prior to seed development. The goal of using cultural methods is to prevent weeds from reproducing.

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